Monday, 6 July 2009


On a Monday afternoon I take my two boys to a local playgroup. We started going there when the babe was six weeks old and tot was just over two. It was mainly for tot's sake that we started going as he was getting to the age where he wanted to go out and do more things. He absolutely loves it, and this is what is making me doubt whether I should home-school him or not. He is a very sociable little thing and it is this that I worry he would miss out on if he were not to attend school. Anyway, back to playgroup...I love it too as I get to sit and have a coffee and chat to the other mums and spend some quality time with my second born who normally sits on my lap for the duration while the tot runs around the room with all the other tots! It is great for all of us and as monday morning frequently starts out a bit negatively - I always seem to be tired on a monday morning, probably from our busy weekend outings. But by the time we get back from playgroup I have a shattered but happy tot who goes down for a nap and I just feel more positive about everything again.

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